Monday, July 8, 2024

The Greatest Record Ever Made!

 My friend Carl Cafarelli has just published his second book, The Greatest Record Ever Made (Volume 1).*

The book is based on the premise, he says, that "An infinite number of tracks can each be THE greatest record ever made, as long as they take turns." When a song you love comes on, for that three or four minutes, no other song matters. You are listening to THE Greatest Record Ever Made, in that moment.

One time, on the way home from Cleveland I listened to Los Lobos' song "Mas Y Mas" eleventy-jillion times in a row.** In that moment, no other song mattered. 

The book is 463 pages of delightful essays about famous songs everyone knows, like "Baby Blue," by Badfinger; novelty songs like the best selling local 45 in Syracuse history, "Transylvania Twist," by Baron Daemon, and songs virtually nobody knows that deserved to be Number One with a bullet, "Life Goes On," by Verdelle Smith.

Carl is a terrific and stylish writer who brings all 150-odd essays to life. He makes you want to search for these songs, to hear them again, or maybe hear them for the first time. You won't agree with many of his choices; I certainly don't. My version of this book would have very little overlap, and maybe yours, too. But that doesn't matter. He has the courage of his convictions and makes compelling cases for each song, and he is certain to change your mind about a few.

Music is entirely subjective. Your Ramones track is my Southside Johnny song. We can peacefully coexist. Isn't that a nice thought in these divided times?

The Greatest Record Ever Made (Volume One) (Syracuse Noise LLC) is available locally (Syracuse) at Parthenon Books, and all the usual book outlets.

* His first book, Gabba Gabba Hey! A Conversation With the Ramones (Rare Bird Books)

**About an hour

1 comment:

My Mia

  This is not only the best picture I ever took, it may very well be the best picture anyone has ever taken . I wanted to enter it in the St...