Sunday, April 2, 2023


Which of these quotes most describes America in 2023?

A) "These are the times that try men's souls"--Thomas Paine, 18th century author.

B) "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."--attributed to Edmund Burke, but apparently he never said it, so author unknown.

C) "Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."--George Santayana, writer and philosopher.

D) "Happiness is a warm gun"--John Lennon and Paul McCartney

E) All of the above.

Answer: Like I have to tell you the answer.

Song of the Day: See: Today's quiz.


  1. Czar,
    Reading on a laptop much easier than that tiny cell phone screen! I think the length is good, I could even handle a bit more in my sooo busy life. (Ha)

  2. Length is fine, unless your book is like, say, Moby Dick, in which case it would take a long time to read the whole thing at two pages a week.


My Mia

  This is not only the best picture I ever took, it may very well be the best picture anyone has ever taken . I wanted to enter it in the St...